Mr. Antonio Campagnoli
IL PUNTO Real Estate Advisor srl/CORFAC International
Education & Qualifications :
Law School, Visiting Scholar at
Boalt Law Berkeley
FIABCI Medal Honor Holder :
FIABCI World Councils Member :
Developers/Investors Managers
FIABCI International position :
European Committee President,
Conference Committee Delegates
Chapter Position : President of FIABCI-Italia Chapter
Postal Address :
Via Lanzone 7
I-20123 Milan
Phone :
Phone : +39 02 45494253
Fax : +39 02 89093987
Email :
United States
IL PUNTO guarantees a unique interlocutor (one stop shop) able to collect and elaborate legal, fiscal, urban-architectural, economic, financial and strategic information and transforms them into the best solution.
IL PUNTO is the only CORFAC International – Corporate Facility Advisors Inc. – Italian partner, worldwide leader group of real estate consultancy.
With more than 65 offices in the US , 2,000 people employed, 10,000 real estate transactions a year and 4.7 million m² under management, CORFAC International, international network, is present in more than 48 nations with trusted advisors that allow the customer to relate globally.
IL PUNTO aggregates a pool of skills and experiences in order to be a valuable bridge between finance and real estate through a complete interlocutor even in complex and transnational operations.
IL PUNTO’s know-how is at the bottom of the client’s satisfaction and success, such as private investors, owners of real estate portfolios, lending institutions, insurance companies, SGR, multinationals, state and parastate entities.
It suggests the customer how to maximize profit or minimize the risk supporting him it in the whole property transformation process, from the asset retrieval to the identification of the most suitable business partner, till the complete execution of the realization works, it identifies and follows the more convenient road understanding and customizing the individual needs.
Property Types : Retail, Office, Industrial
Specialities : Consulting, Valuation/Appraisal, Legal/Tax